Package 'rtop'

Title: Interpolation of Data with Variable Spatial Support
Description: Data with irregular spatial support, such as runoff related data or data from administrative units, can with 'rtop' be interpolated to locations without observations with the top-kriging method. A description of the package is given by Skøien et al (2014) <doi:10.1016/j.cageo.2014.02.009>.
Authors: Jon Olav Skøien [aut, cre], Qingyun Duan [ctb] (For the original FORTRAN code of SCE-UA, translated and modified to R in this package.)
Maintainer: Jon Olav Skøien <[email protected]>
License: GPL (>= 2)
Version: 0.6-9
Built: 2025-01-25 02:48:32 UTC

Help Index

A package providing methods for analysis and spatial interpolation of data with an irregular support


This package provides geostatistical methods for analysis and interpolation of data that has an irregular support, such as as runoff characteristics or population health data. The methods in this package are based on the top-kriging approach suggested in Skoien et al (2006), with some extensions from Gottschalk (1993). This package can be used as an add-on package for the automatic interpolation package developed within the intamap project (


The work flow within the package suggests that the user is interested in a prediction of a process at a series of locations where observations have not been made. The example below shows a regionalization of mean annual runoff in Austria.

Although it is possible to perform each step with all necessary arguments, the easiest interface to the method is to store all variables (such as observations, prediction locations and parameters) in an rtop-object, which is created by a call to createRtopObject. The element params below consists of changes to the default parameters. A further description can be found in getRtopParams. The changes below means that the functions will use geostatistical distance instead of full regularization, and that the variogram model will be fitted to the variogram cloud. Most other functions in the rtop-package can take this object as an argument, and will add the results as one or more new element(s) to this object.

The data in the example below are stored as shape-files in the extdata-directory of the rtop-pacakge, use the directory of your own data instead. The observations consist of mean summer runoff from 138 catchments in Upper Austria. The predictionLocations are 863 catchments in the same region. observations and predictionLocations can either be stored as SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-objects, or as sf-polygons.

rpath = system.file("extdata",package="rtop")
observations = st_read(rpath, "observations")
predictionLocations = st_read(rpath,"predictionLocations")

# Create a column with the specific runoff:
observations$obs = observations$QSUMMER_OB/observations$AREASQKM
params = list(gDist = TRUE, cloud = TRUE)
rtopObj = createRtopObject(observations, predictionLocations, 
          params = params)

There are help-methods available in cases when data are not available as shape-files, or when the observations are not part of the shape-files. See readAreaInfo and readAreas.

A call to rtopVariogram adds the sample variogram to the object, whereas
rtopFitVariogram fits a variogram model. The last function will call rtopVariogram if rtopObj does not contain a sample variogram.

rtopObj = rtopVariogram(rtopObj)
rtopObj = rtopFitVariogram(rtopObj, maxn = 2000)

The function checkVario is useful to produce some diagnostic plots for the sample variogram and the fitted variogram model.


The interpolation function (rtopKrige) solves the kriging system based on the computed regularized semivariances. The covariance matrices are created in a separate regularization function (varMat), and are stored in the rtop-object for easier access if it is necessary to redo parts of the analysis, as this is the computationally expensive part of the interpolation. Cross-validation can be called with the argument cv=TRUE, either in params or in the call to rtopKrige.

rtopObj = rtopKrige(rtopObj)
if (is(rtopObj$predictions, "Spatial")) {
  spplot(rtopObj$predictions, col.regions = bpy.colors(), c("var1.pred"))
} else {
# the plotting order to get small polygons on top is not automatic with sf, 
# but here is a method that works without modifying the predictions
# Arrange according to areas attribute in descending order
  rtopObj$predictions |> arrange(desc(AREASQKM)) |>
  # Make ggplot and set fill color to var1.pred
  ggplot(aes(fill = var1.pred)) + geom_sf() 
rtopObj = rtopKrige(rtopObj, cv = TRUE)

if (is(rtopObj$predictions, "Spatial")) {
  spplot(rtopObj$predictions, col.regions = bpy.colors(), c("var1.pred","var1.var"))
} else {
# Here is an alternative method for plotting small polygons on top of the larger ones, 
# modifying the predictions 
  rtopObj$predictions = rtopObj$predictions[order(rtopObj$predictions$AREASQ, decreasing = TRUE), ]
# It is also possible to change the order of the polygons 
  ggplot(rtopObj$predictions) + aes(fill = var1.pred) + geom_sf() + scale_fill_distiller(palette = "YlOrRd")


L. Gottschalk. Interpolation of runoff applying objective methods. Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, 7:269-281, 1993.

Skoien J. O., R. Merz, and G. Bloschl. Top-kriging - geostatistics on stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10:277-287, 2006.

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.

Plot variogram fitted to data with support


The function will create diagnostic plots for analysis of the variograms fitted to sample variograms of data with support


## S3 method for class 'rtop'
checkVario(object, acor = 1, log = "xy", cloud = FALSE, 
           gDist = TRUE, acomp = NULL, curveSmooth = FALSE, params = list(), ...) 

## S3 method for class 'rtopVariogramModel'
           sampleVariogram = NULL, observations = NULL, 
           areas = NULL, dists = NULL, acomp = NULL,  
           params = list(), compVars = list(), acor = 1, 
           log = "xy", legx = NULL, legy = NULL, 
           plotNugg = TRUE, curveSmooth = FALSE, ...)



either: object of class rtop (see rtop-package), or an object of type


unit correction factor in the key, e.g. to see numbers more easily interpretable for large areas. As an example, ucor = 0.000001 when area is given in square meters and should rather be shown as square kilometers. Note that this parameter also changes the value of the nugget to the new unit.


text variable for log-plots, default to log-log "xy", can otherwise be set to "x", "y" or ""


logical; whether to look at the cloud variogram instead of the binned variogram


logical; whether to use ghosh-distance for semivariogram regularization instead of full integration of the semivariogram


a sample variogram of the data


a set of observations


either an array of areas that should be used as examples, or the number of areas per order of magnitude (similar to the parameter amul; see getRtopParams. amul from rtopObj or from the default parameter set will be used if not defined here.


either an array of distances that should be used as examples, or the number of distances per order of magnitude(similar to the parameter amul; see getRtopParams. amul from rtopObj or from the default parameter set will be used if not defined here.


either a matrix with the area bins that should be visualized, or a number giving the number of pairs to show. If a sample variogram is given, the acomp pairs with highest number of pairs will be used


logical or numerical; describing whether the curves in the last plot should be smoothed or not. If numeric, it gives the degrees of freedom (df) for the splines used for smoothing. See also smooth.spline


list of parameters to modify the default parameters of rtopObj or the default parameters found from getRtopParams


a list of variograms of gstat-type for comparison, see vgm. The names of the variograms in the list will be used in the key.


x-coordinate of the legend for fine-tuning of position, see x-argument of


y-coordinate of the legend for fine-tuning of position, see y-argument of


logical; whether the nugget effect should be added to the plot or not


arguments to lower level functions


The function gives diagnostic plots for the fitted variograms, where the regularized variograms are shown together with the sample variograms and possibly also user defined variograms. In addition, if an rtopObject is submitted, the function will also give plots of the relationship between variance and area size and a scatter plot of the fit of the observed and regularized variogram values. The sizes of the dots are relative to the number of pairs in each group.


Jon Olav Skoien


Skoien J. O., R. Merz, and G. Bloschl. Top-kriging - geostatistics on stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10:277-287, 2006.

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.


rpath = system.file("extdata",package="rtop")
observations = st_read(rpath, "observations")
predictionLocations = st_read(rpath,"predictionLocations")

# Create a column with the specific runoff:
observations$obs = observations$QSUMMER_OB/observations$AREASQKM
params = list(cloud = TRUE, gDist = TRUE)
rtopObj = createRtopObject(observations, predictionLocations, 
                           params = params)

# Fit a variogram (function also creates it)
rtopObj = rtopFitVariogram(rtopObj, maxn = 2000)
    compVars = list(first = vgm(5e-6, "Sph", 30000,5e-8), 
                   second = vgm(2e-6, "Sph", 30000,5e-8)))

rtopObj = checkVario(rtopObj, acor = 0.000001, 
          acomp = data.frame(acl1 = c(2,2,2,2,3,3,3,4,4), 
          acl2 = c(2,3,4,5,3,4,5,4,5)))
rtopObj = checkVario(rtopObj, cloud = TRUE, identify = TRUE, 
          acor = 0.000001)

Create an object for interpolation within the rtop package


This is a help function for creating an object (see rtop-package to be used for interpolation within the rtop package


createRtopObject(observations, predictionLocations,
   formulaString, params=list(), overlapObs,
   overlapPredObs, ...)



SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or sf-polygons with observations


a SpatialPolygons, SpatialPolygonsDataFrame-object or sf-polygons with prediction locations


formula that defines the dependent variable as a linear model of independent variables; suppose the dependent variable has name z, for ordinary and simple kriging use the formula z~1; for universal kriging, suppose z is linearly dependent on x and y, use the formula z~x+y. The formulaString defaults to "value~1" if value is a part of the data set. If not, the first column of the data set is used. Universal kriging is not yet properly implemented in the rtop-package, this element is mainly used for defining the dependent variable.


parameters to modify the default parameters of the rtop-package, set internally in this function by a call to getRtopParams


matrix with observations that overlap each other


matrix with observations and predictionLocations that overlap each other


Extra parameters to getRtopParams and possibility to pass depreceted arguments


An object of class rtop with observations, prediction locations, parameters and possible other elements useful for interpolation in the rtop-package. Most other externally visible functions in the package will be able to work with this object, and add the results as a new element.


Jon Olav Skoien


Skoien J. O., R. Merz, and G. Bloschl. Top-kriging - geostatistics on stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10:277-287, 2006.

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.

See Also



rpath = system.file("extdata",package="rtop")
observations = st_read(rpath, "observations")
predictionLocations = st_read(rpath,"predictionLocations")

# Create a column with the specific runoff:
observations$obs = observations$QSUMMER_OB/observations$AREASQKM

# Setting some parameters 
params = list(gDist = TRUE, cloud = FALSE)
# Create a column with the specific runoff:
observations$obs = observations$QSUMMER_OB/observations$AREASQKM
# Build an object
rtopObj = createRtopObject(observations, predictionLocations, 
                           params = params)

Download additional example data


Download additional example data from Vienna University of Technology


downloadRtopExampleData(folder = system.file("extdata",



the folder to which the downloaded data set will be copied


The function will have as a side effect that additional example data is downloaded from Vienna University of Techology. This will for the default case replace the existing example data-set in the rtop package. Alternatively the user can specify a separate directory for the data set.


Jon Olav Skoien


Skoien J. O., R. Merz, and G. Bloschl. Top-kriging - geostatistics on stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10:277-287, 2006.

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.


## Not run: 
  rpath = system.file("extdata",package="rtop")
  observations = st_read(rpath,"observations") 

## End(Not run)

calculate geostatistical distances between areas


Calculate geostatistical distances (Ghosh-distances) between areas


## S3 method for class 'rtop'
gDist(object, params = list(), ...) 
## S3 method for class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame'
gDist(object, object2 = NULL, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'SpatialPolygons'
gDist(object, object2 = NULL, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'list'
gDist(object, object2 = NULL, diag = FALSE, debug.level = 0, ...)



object of class SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with boundaries of areas; or list of discretized areas, typically from a call to
rtopDisc; or object of class rtop with such boundaries and/or discretized elements (the individual areas)


a set of parameters, used to modify the default parameters for the rtop package, set in getRtopParams. The argument params can also be used for the other methods, through the ...-argument.


an object of same type as object, except for rtop; for calculation of geostatistical distances also between the elements in the two different objects


logical; if TRUE only calculate the geostatistical distances between each element and itself, only when the objects are lists of discretized areas and object2 = object or object2 = NULL


debug.level = 0 will suppress output from the call to varMat, done for calculation of the geostatistical distances


other parameters, for gDist.list when calling one of the other methods, or for varMat, in which the calculations take place


If called with one list of discretized elements, a matrix with the geostatistical distances between the elements within the list. If called with two lists of discretized elements, a matrix with the geostatistical distances between the elements in the two lists. If called with diag = TRUE, the function returns an array of the geostatistical distance within each of the elements in the list.

If called with one SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or the function returns a list with one matrix with geostatistical distances between the elements of the object. If called with two objects, the list will also containt a matrix of the geostatistical distances between the elements of the two objects, and an array of the geostatistical distances within the elements of the second object.

If called with an rtop-object, the function will return the object, amended with the list above.


The geostatistical distance can be seen as the average distance between points in two elements, or the average distance within points in a single element. The distance measure is also sometimes referred to as Ghosh-distance, from Ghosh (1951) who found analytical expressions for these distances between blocks with regular geometry.

The use of geostatistical distances within rtop is based on an idea from Gottschalk (1993), who suggested to replace the traditional regularization of variograms within block-kriging (as done in the original top-kriging application of Skoien et al (2006)) with covariances of the geostatistical distance. The covariance between two areas can then be found as C(a1,a2) = cov(gd) where gd is the geostatistical distance between the two areas a1 and a2, instead of an integration of the covariance function between the two areas.

rtop is based on semivariograms instead of covariances, and the semivariogram value between the two areas can be found as gamma(a1,a2) = g(gd) - 0.5 (g(gd1) + g(gd2)) where g is a semivariogram valid for point support, gd1) and gd2 are the geostatistical distances within each of the two areas.


Jon Olav Skoien


Ghosh, B. 1951. Random distances within a rectangle and between two rectangles. Bull. Calcutta Math. Soc., 43, 17-24.

Gottschalk, L. 1993. Correlation and covariance of runoff. Stochastic Hydrology and Hydraulics, 7, 85-101.

Skoien, J. O., R. Merz, and G. Bloschl. 2006. Top-kriging - geostatistics on stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10, 277-287.

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.


rpath = system.file("extdata",package="rtop")
observations = st_read(rpath, "observations")
gDist = gDist(observations)

Setting parameters for the intamap package


This function sets a range of the parameters for the intamap package, to be included in the object described in rtop-package


getRtopParams(params,newPar, observations, formulaString, ...)



An existing set of parameters for the interpolation process, of class
intamapParams or a list of parameters for modification of the default parameters


A list of parameters for updating params or for modification of the default parameters. Possible parameters with their defaults are given below


SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with observations, used for setting some of the default parameters


formula that defines the dependent variable as a linear model of independent variables, see e.g. createRtopObject for more details.


Individual parameters for updating params or for modification of the default parameters. Possible parameters with their defaults are given below

model = "Ex1"

- variogram model type. Currently the following models are implemented:


- Exponential model


- Multiplication of a modified exponential and fractal model, the same model as used in Skoien et al(2006).


- Gaussian model


- Multiplication of gaussian and fractal model


- Spherical model


- Multiplication of spherical and fractal model


- Fractal model


- the initial parameters and the limits of the variogram model to be fitted, given as a matrix with three columns, where the first column is the lower limit, the second column is the upper limit and the third column are starting values.

nugget = FALSE

- logical; if TRUE, nugget effect should be estimated

unc = TRUE

- logical; if TRUE the variance of observations are in column unc

rresol = 100

- minimum number of discretization points in each area

hresol = 5

- number of discretization points in one direction for elements in binned variograms

cloud = FALSE

- logical; if TRUE use the cloud variogram for variogram fitting

amul = 1

- defines the number of areal bins within one order of magnitude. Numbers between 1 and 3 are possible, as this parameter refers to the axp parameter of axTicks.

dmul = 3

- defines the number of distance bins within one order of magnitude. Numbers between 1 and 3 are possible, as this parameter refers to the axp parameter of axTicks.

fit.method = 9

- defines the type of Least Square method for fitting of variogram. The methods 1-7 correspond to the similar methods in fit.variogram of gstat.


- weighted least squares with number of pairs per bin:
err = n * (yobs-ymod)^2


- weighted least squares difference according to Cressie (1985):
err2 = abs(yobs/ymod-1)


- ordinary least squares difference: err = (yobs-ymod)^2


- similar to default of gstat, where higher weights are given to shorter distances err = n/h^2 * (yobs-mod)^2


- Opposite of weighted least squares difference according to Cressie (1985): err3=abs(ymod/yobs-1)


- neutral WLS-method - err = min(err2,err3)

gDistEst = FALSE

- use geostatistical distance when fitting variograms

gDistPred = FALSE

- use geostatistical distance for semivariogram matrices


- parameter to set jointly gDistEst = gDistPred = gDist

nmax = 10

for local kriging: the number of nearest observations that should be used for a kriging prediction or simulation, where nearest is defined in terms of the space of the spatial locations. By default, 10 observations are used.

maxdist = Inf

- for local kriging: only observations within a distance of maxdist from the prediction location are used for prediction or simulation; if combined with nmax, both criteria apply

hstype = "regular"

- sampling type for binned variograms

rstype = "rtop"

- sampling type for the elements, see also rtopDisc

nclus = 1

- number of CPUs to use if parallel processing is wanted; nclus = 1 means no parallelization

cnAreas = 100

- limit whether parallel processing should be applied; the minimum number of areas in varMat, and also controlling when to use parallel processing in rtopDisc, when
nAreas*params$rresol/100 > cnAreas

clusType = NULL

- the cluster type to be started for parallel processing; uses the default type of the system when clusType = NULL

outfile = NULL

file where output can be printed during parallel execution

varClean = FALSE

logical; if TRUE it will remove highly correlated areas from the covariance matrix during simulation

wlim = 1.5

- an upper limit for the norm of the weights in kriging, see rtopKrige

wlimMethod = "all"

which method to use for reducing the norm of the weights if necessary. Either "all", which modifies all weights equally or "neg" which reduces negative weights and large weights more than the smallest weights


- logical; When TRUE, the kriging function will attempt to solve singular kriging matrices by removing catchments that have the same correlations. This will usually happen when two catchments are almost overlapping, and they are discretized with the same points. See also rtopKrige.

cv = FALSE

- logical; for cross-validation of observations

debug.level = 1

- used in some functions for giving additional output. See individual functions for more information.

partialOverlap = FALSE

whether to work with partially overlapping areas

olim = 1e-4

smallest overlapping area to be used for partial overlap, relative to the smallest of the areas

nclus = 1

option to use parallel processing, nclus > 1 defines the number of workers to be started

clusType = NA

which cluster type to start if nclus > 1; the default is used if nclusType = NA

cnAreas = 200

The minimum number of observations or observations plus predictions allowing parallelization in the creation of the covariance matrix

cDlim = 1e6

The minimum number of discretization points for allowing parallelization in the discretization process


- used for initial values of parameters if supplied


- used for initial values of parameters if supplied


A list of the parameters with class rtopParams to be included in the object described in rtop-package


This function will mainly be called by createRtopObject, but can also be called by the user to create a parameter set or update an existing parameter set. If none of the arguments is a list of class rtopParams, the function will assume that the argument(s) are modifications to the default set of parameters. The function can also be called by other functions in the rtop-package if the users chooses not to work with an object of class rtop.

If the function is called with two lists of parameters (but the first one is not of class rtopParams) they are both seen as modifications to the default parameter set. If they share some parameters, the parameter values from the second list will be applied.

Parallel processing has been included for some of the functions. The default is no parallel procesing, and the package also attempts to decide whether it is sensible to start a set of clusters and distribute jobs to them based on the size of the job. The default limit might not be the best for every system.


Jon Olav Skoien


Cressie, N. 1985. Fitting variogram models by weighted least squares. Mathematical Geology, 17 (5), 563-586

Skoien J. O., R. Merz, and G. Bloschl. Top-kriging - geostatistics on stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10:277-287, 2006

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.

See Also

createRtopObject and rtop-package


# Create a new set of intamapParameters, with default parameters:
params = getRtopParams()
# Make modifications to the default list of parameters
params = getRtopParams(newPar = list(gDist = TRUE, nugget = FALSE))
# Make modifications to an existing list of parameters
params = getRtopParams(params = params, newPar = list(gDist = TRUE,
         nugget = FALSE))

Plot and Identify Data Pairs on Sample Variogram Cloud


Plot a sample variogram cloud, possibly with identification of individual point pairs


## S3 method for class 'rtopVariogramCloud'
plot(x, ...)



object of class variogramCloud


parameters that are passed through to plot.variogramCloud The most important are:


logical; if TRUE, the plot allows identification of a series of individual point pairs that correspond to individual variogram cloud points (use left mouse button to select; right mouse button ends)


logical; if TRUE, select point pairs by digitizing a region with the mouse (left mouse button adds a point, right mouse button ends)


limits of x-axis


limits of y-axis


x axis label


y axis label


logical; if TRUE and identify is TRUE, the labels identified and their position are kept and glued to object x, which is returned. Subsequent calls to plot this object will now have the labels shown, e.g. to plot to hardcopy


This function is mainly a wrapper around plot.variogramCloud, necessary because of different column names and different class names. The description of arguments and value can therefore be found in the help page of plot.variogramCloud.


Jon Olav Skoien


See Also



rpath = system.file("extdata",package="rtop")
observations = st_read(rpath, "observations")

observations$obs = observations$QSUMMER_OB/observations$AREASQKM

# Create the sample variogram
rtopVario = rtopVariogram(observations, params = list(cloud = TRUE))

create SpatialPointsDataFrame with observations of data with a spatial support


readAreaInfo will read a text file with observations and descriptions of data with a spatial support.


readAreaInfo(fname = "ainfo.txt", id = "id",
                iobs = "iobs", obs = "obs", unc = "unc",
                filenames= "filenames", sep = "\t", 
                debug.level = 1, moreCols = list(NULL))



name of file with areal information


name of column with observation id


name of column with number of observations


name of column with observations


name of column with possible uncertainty of observation


name of column with filenames of areas if different names than id should be used.


separator in csv-file


used for giving additional output


name of other column names the user wants included in ainfo


The function is of particular use when data are not available as shape-files, or when the observations are not part of the shape-files. This function is mainly for compatibility with the former FORTRAN-version. The simplest way to read the data in that case is through st_read. See also rtop-package.


SpatialPointDataFrame with information about observations and/or predictionLocations.


Jon Olav Skoien

help file for creating SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with observations and/or predictionLocations of data with a spatial support


readAreas will read area-files, add observations and convert the result to


readAreas(object, adir=".",ftype = "xy",projection = NA, ...)



either name of file with areal information or SpatialPointsDataFrame with observations


directory where the files with areal information are to be found


type of file, the only type supported currently is "xy", referring to x- and y-coordinates of boundaries


add projection to the object if input is boundary-files


further parameters to be passed to readAreaInfo


If object is a file name, readAreaInfo will be called. If it is a
SpatialPointsDataFrame with observations and/or predictionLocations, the function will read areal data from files according to the ID associated with each observation/predictionLocation.

The function is of particular use when data are not available as shape-files, or when the observations are not part of the shape-files. This function is mainly for compatibility with the former FORTRAN-version. The simplest way to read the data in that case is through st_read. See also rtop-package.


The function creates a SpatialPolygonsDataFrame of observations and/or predictionLocations, depending on the information given in object.


Jon Olav Skoien

start, access, stop or restart a cluster for parallel computation with rtop


Convenience function for using parallel computation with rtop. The function is usually not called by the user.


rtopCluster(nclus, ..., action = "start", type, outfile = NULL)



The number of workers in the cluster


Arguments for clusterEvalQ; commands to be evaluated for each worker, such as library-calls


Defines the action of the function. There are three options:


Starts a new cluster if necessary, reuses an existing if it has already been started


Stops the cluster and starts it again. To be used in case there are difficulties with the cluster, or if the user wants to change the type of the cluster


The type of cluster; see makeCluster for more details. The default of makeCluster is used if type is missing or NA.


File to direct the output, makeCluster for more details.


It is usually not necessary for the user to call this function for starting or accessing a cluster. This is done automatically by the different rtop-functions when needed if the parameter nclus is larger than one (see getRtopParams). If the user actually starts the cluster by a call to this function, it will also be necessary to set the nclus parameter to a value larger than one for the cluster to be used by different functions.

Restarting the cluster might be necessary if the cluster has a problem (e.g. does not return memory) or if the user wants to change to a different cluster type.

Stopping the cluster is useful when the user does not want to continue with parallel computation and wants to close down the workers.


If the function is called with action equal to "start" or "restart", the result is a cluster with nclus workers. The cluster is also added to the global options with the name rtopCluster

If the function is called with action equal to "stop", the function stops the cluster, sets the rtopCluster of options to NULL and returns NULL to the user.


Jon Olav Skoien

Discretize areas


rtopDisc will discretize an area for regularization or calculation of Ghosh-distance


## S3 method for class 'rtop'
rtopDisc(object, params = list(),...) 
## S3 method for class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame'
rtopDisc(object, params = list(), bb = bbox(object), ...) 
## S3 method for class 'SpatialPolygons'
rtopDisc(object, params = list(), bb = bbox(object),  ...) 
## S3 method for class 'rtopVariogram'
rtopDisc(object, params = list(), ...)



object of class SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or rtopVariogram, or an object with class rtop that includes one of the above


boundary box, usually modified to be the common boundary box for two spatial object


possibility to pass parameters to modify the default parameters for the rtop package, set in getRtopParams. Typical parameters to modify for this function are:

  • rresol = 100; minimum number of discretization points in areas

  • hresol = 5; number of discretization points in one direction for areas in binned variograms

  • hstype = "regular"; sampling type for binned variograms

  • rstype = "rtop"; sampling type for real areas


Possibility to pass individual parameters


There are different options for discretizing the objects. When the areas from the bins are discretized, the options are random or regular sampling, regular sampling is the default.

For the real areas, regular sampling appears to have computational advantages compared with random sampling. In addition to the traditional regular sampling, rtop also offers a third type of sampling which assures that the same discretization points are used for overlapping areas.

Starting with a coarse grid covering the region of interest, this will for a certain support be refined till a requested minimum number of points from the grid is within the support. In this way, for areal supports, the number of points in the area with the largest number of points will be approximately four times the requested minimum number of points. This methods also assure that points used to discretize a large support will be reused when discretizing smaller supports within the large one, e.g. subcatchments within larger catchments.


The function returns a list of discretized areas, or if called with an rtop-object as argument, the object with lists of discretizations of the observations and prediction locations (if part of the object). If the function is called with an rtopVariogram (usually this is an internal call), the list contains discretized pairs of hypothetical objects from each bin of the semivariogram with a centre-to-centre distance equal to the average distance between the objects in a certain bin.


Jon Olav Skoien


Skoien J. O., R. Merz, and G. Bloschl. Top-kriging - geostatistics on stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10:277-287, 2006.

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.

See Also


Fit variogram model to sample variogram of data with spatial support


rtopFitVariogram will fit a variogram model to the estimated binned variogram or cloud variogram of data with an areal support.


## S3 method for class 'rtop'
rtopFitVariogram(object, params = list(), iprint = 0, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame'
rtopFitVariogram(object, params=list(), ...) 
## S3 method for class 'SpatialPointsDataFrame'
rtopFitVariogram(object, params=list(), ...) 
## S3 method for class 'rtopVariogram'
rtopFitVariogram(object, observations, dists = NULL, 
                    params=list(), mr = FALSE, aOver = NULL, iprint = 0, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'rtopVariogramCloud'
rtopFitVariogram(object, observations, dists = NULL, 
                    aOver = NULL, params=list(), mr = FALSE, iprint = 0, ...)



object of class rtopVariogram or rtopVariogramCloud, or an object with class rtop that includes the sample variograms.

The object can also be of class SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or
SpatialPointsDataFrame with observations. If object is a
SpatialPointsDataFrame, it must have a column with name area.


the observations, passed as a Spatial*DataFrame object, if object is an
rtopVariogram or rtopVariogramCloud


a set of parameters, used to modify the default parameters for the rtop package, set in getRtopParams. The argument params can also be used for the other methods, through the ...-argument.


either a matrix with geostatistical distances (created by a call to the function gDist or a list with the areas discretized (from a call to rtopDisc.


logical; defining whether the function should return a list with discretized elements and geostatistical distances, even if it was not called with an rtop-object as argument.


a matrix with the overlapping areas of the observations, used for computation of the nugget effect. It will normally be recomputed by the function if it is NULL and necessary


print flag that is passed to sceua


Other parameters to functions called from rtopFitVarigoram. For the three first methods of the function, ... can also include parameters to the last two methods.


The function creates an object with the fitted variogram Model (variogramModel) and a
data.frame (varFit) with the differences between the sample semivariances and the regularized semivariances. If mr = TRUE, the function also returns other objects (discretized elements and geostatistical distances, if created) as a part of the returned object. If the function is called with an rtop-object as argument, it will return an rtop-object with variogramModel and varFit added to the object, in addition to other objects created.


There are several options for fitting of the variogramModel, where the parameters can be set in params, which is a list of parameters for modification of the default parameters of the rtop-package given in a call to getRtopParams. The first choice is between individual fitting and binned fitting. This is based on the type of variogram submitted, individual fitting is done if a cloud variogram (of class rtopVariogramCloud) is passed as argument, and binned fitting if the submitted variogram is of class rtopVariogram. If the function is called with an object of class rtop, having both variogram and variogramCloud among its arguments, the variogram model is fitted to the variogram which is consistent with the parameter cloud.


Jon Olav Skoien


Skoien J. O., R. Merz, and G. Bloschl. Top-kriging - geostatistics on stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10:277-287, 2006.

Skoien, J. O. and G. Bloschl. Spatio-Temporal Top-Kriging of Runoff Time Series. Water Resources Research 43:W09419, 2007.

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.


rpath = system.file("extdata",package="rtop")
observations = st_read(rpath, "observations")
predictionLocations = st_read(rpath,"predictionLocations")

# Create a column with the specific runoff:
observations$obs = observations$QSUMMER_OB/observations$AREASQKM

# Setting some parameters 
params = list(gDist = TRUE, cloud = FALSE)
# Create a column with the specific runoff:
observations$obs = observations$QSUMMER_OB/observations$AREASQKM
# Build an object
rtopObj = createRtopObject(observations,predictionLocations, 
                           params = params)
# Fit a variogram (function also creates it)
rtopObj = rtopFitVariogram(rtopObj)

Spatial interpolation of data with spatial support


rtopKrige perform spatial interpolation or cross validation of data with areal support.


## S3 method for class 'rtop'
rtopKrige(object, varMatUpdate = FALSE, params = list(), ...) 
## S3 method for class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame'
rtopKrige(object, predictionLocations = NULL,
    varMatObs, varMatPredObs, varMat, params = list(), 
    formulaString, sel, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'STSDF'
rtopKrige(object, predictionLocations = NULL,
    varMatObs, varMatPredObs, varMat, params = list(), 
    formulaString, sel, olags = NULL, plags = NULL, 
    lagExact = TRUE, ...) 
## Default S3 method:
rtopKrige(object, predictionLocations = NULL,
    varMatObs,  varMatPredObs, varMat, params = list(),
    formulaString, sel, wret = FALSE, ...)



object of class rtop or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or STSDF


logical; if TRUE, also existing variance matrices will be recomputed, if FALSE, only missing variance matrices will be computed, see also varMat


SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or STSDF with prediction locations. NULL if cross validation is to be performed.


covariance matrix of observations, where diagonal must consist of internal variance, typically generated from call to varMat


covariance matrix between observation locations and prediction locations, typically generated from call to varMat


list covariance matrices including the two above


a set of parameters, used to modify the default parameters for the rtop package, set in getRtopParams. Additionally, it is possible overrule some of the parameters in object$params by passing them as separate arguments.


formula that defines the dependent variable as a linear model of independent variables, see e.g. createRtopObject for more details.


array of prediction location numbers, if only a limited number of locations are to be interpolated/crossvalidated


logical; if TRUE, return a matrix of weights instead of the predictions, useful for batch processing of time series, see also details


A vector describing the relative lag which should be applied for the observation locations. See also details


A vector describing the relative lag which should be applied for the predicitonLocations. See also details


logical; whether differences in lagtime should be computed exactly or approximate


from rtopKrige.rtop, arguments to be passed to rtopKrige.default. In rtopKrige.default, parameters for modification of the object parameters or default parameters. Of particular interest are cv, a logical for doing cross-validation, nmax, and maxdist for maximum number of neighbours and maximum distance to neighbours, respectively, and wlim, the limit for the absolute values of the weights. It can also be useful to set singularSolve if some of the areas are almost similar, see also details below.


This function is the interpolation routine of the rtop-package. The simplest way of calling the function is with an rtop-object that contains the fitted variogram model and all the other necessary data (see createRtopObject or rtop-package).

The function will, if called with covariance matrices between observations and between observations and prediction locations, use these for the interpolation. If the function is called without these matrices, varMat will be called to create them. These matrices can therefore be reused if necessary, an advantage as it is computationally expensive to create them.

The interpolation that takes part within rtopKrige.default is based on the semivariance matrices between observations and between observations and prediction locations. It is therefore possible to use this function also to interpolate data where the matrices have been created in other ways, e.g. based on distances in physiographical space or distances along a stream.

The function returns the weights rather than the predictions if wret = TRUE. This is useful for batch processing of time series, e.g. once the weights are created, they can be used to compute the interpolated values for each time step.

rtop is able to take some advantage of multiple CPUs, which can be invoked with the parameter nclus. When it gets a number larger than one, rtopKrige will start a cluster with nclus workers, if the parallel-package has been installed.

The parameter singularSolve can be used when some areas are almost completely overlapping. In this case, the discretization of them might be equal, and the covariances to other areas will also be equal. The kriging matrix will in this case be singular. When singularSolve = TRUE, rtopKrige will remove one of the neighbours, and instead work with the mean of the two observations. An overview of removed neighbours can be seen in the resulting object, under the name removed.

Kriging of time series is possible when observations and predictionLocations are spatiotemporal objects of type STSDF. The interpolation is still spatial, in the sense that the regularisation of the variograms are just done using the spatial extent of the observations, not a possible temporal extent, such as done by Skoien and Bloschl (2007). However, it is possible to make predictions based on observations from different time steps, through the use of the lag-vectors. These vectors describe a typical "delay" for each observation and prediction location. This delay could for runoff related variables be similar to travel time to each gauging location. For a certain prediction location, earlier time steps would be picked for neighbours with shorter travel time and later time steps for neighbours with slower travel times.

The lagExact parameter indicates whether to use a weighted average of two time steps, or just the time step which is closest to the difference in lag times.

The use of lag times should in theory increase the computation time, but might, due to different computation methods, even speed up the computation when the number of neighbours to be used (parameter nmax) is small compared to the number of observations. If computation is slow, it can be useful to test olags = rep(0, dim(observations)[1]) and similar for predictionLocations.


If called with SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, the function returns a
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame with predictions, either at the locations defined in
predictionLocations, or as leave-one-out cross-validation predicitons at the same locations as in object if cv = TRUE

If called with an rtop-object, the function returns the same object with the predictions added to the object.


Jon Olav Skoien


Skoien J. O., R. Merz, and G. Bloschl. Top-kriging - geostatistics on stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10:277-287, 2006.

Skoien, J. O. and G. Bloschl. Spatio-Temporal Top-Kriging of Runoff Time Series. Water Resources Research 43:W09419, 2007.

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.


# The following command will download  the complete example data set
# downloadRtopExampleData() 
# observations$obs = observations$QSUMMER_OB/observations$AREASQKM

rpath = system.file("extdata",package="rtop")
observations = st_read(rpath, "observations")
predictionLocations = st_read(rpath,"predictionLocations")

# Setting some parameters; nclus > 1 will start a cluster with nclus 
# workers for parallel processing
params = list(gDist = TRUE, cloud = FALSE, nclus = 1, rresol = 25)

# Create a column with the specific runoff:
observations$obs = observations$QSUMMER_OB/observations$AREASQKM

# Build an object
rtopObj = createRtopObject(observations, predictionLocations, 
           params = params)

# Fit a variogram (function also creates it)
rtopObj = rtopFitVariogram(rtopObj)

# Predicting at prediction locations
rtopObj = rtopKrige(rtopObj)

# Cross-validation
rtopObj = rtopKrige(rtopObj,cv=TRUE)

Spatial simulation of data with spatial support


rtopSim will conditionally or unconditionally simulate data with areal support. This function should be seen as experimental, some issues are described below.


## S3 method for class 'rtop'
rtopSim(object, varMatUpdate = FALSE, beta = NA, 
      largeFirst = TRUE, replace = FALSE, params = list(), 
      dump = NULL, debug.level, ...) 
## Default S3 method:
rtopSim(object = NULL, predictionLocations,
    varMatObs,  varMatPredObs, varMatPred, variogramModel, ...)



object of class rtop or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or sf (st_sf) or NULL


logical; if TRUE, also existing variance matrices will be recomputed, if FALSE, only missing variance matrices will be computed, see also varMat


The expected mean of the data, for unconditional simulations


Although the simulation method follows a random path around the predictionLocations, simulating the largest area first will assure that the true mean of the simulated values will be closer to beta


logical; if observation locations are also present as predictions, should they be replaced? This is particularly when doing conditional simulations for a set of observations with uncertainty.


a set of parameters, used to modify the standard parameters for the rtop package, set in getRtopParams. The argument params can also be used for the other methods, through the ...-argument.


file name for saving the updated object, after adding variance matrices. Useful if there are problems with the simulation, particularly if it for some reason crashes.


logical that controls some output, will override the object parameters


SpatialPolygons or SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or sf-object with locations for simulations.


covariance matrix of possible observations, where diagonal must consist of internal variance, typically generated from call to varMat


covariance matrix between possible observation locations and simulation locations, typically generated from call to varMat


covariance matrix between simulation locations, typically generated from a call to varMat


a variogram model of type rtopVariogramModel


possible modification of the object parameters or default parameters.


This function can do constrained or unconstrained simulation for areas. The simplest way of calling the function is with an rtop-object that contains the fitted variogram model and all the other necessary data (see createRtopObject or rtop-package). rtopSim is the only function in rtop which does not need observations. However, a variogram model is still necessary to perform simulations.

The arguments beta and largeFirst are only used for unconditional simulations.

The function is still in an experimental stage, and might change in the future. There are some issues with the current implementation:

  • Numerical issues can in some cases give negative estimation variances, which will result in an invalid distribution for the simulation. This will result in simulated NA values for these locations.

  • The variability of simulated values for small areas (such as small headwater catchments) will be relatively high based on the statistical uncertainty. This could be overestimated compared to the uncertainty which is possible based on rainfall.


If called with SpatialPolygons or sf as predictionLocations and either
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, sf or NULL for observations, the function returns a
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or sf with simulations at the locations defined in

If called with an rtop-object, the function returns the same object with the simulations added to the object.


Jon Olav Skoien


Skoien J. O., R. Merz, and G. Bloschl. Top-kriging - geostatistics on stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10:277-287, 2006.

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.


# The following command will download  the complete example data set
# downloadRtopExampleData() 

rpath = system.file("extdata",package="rtop")
observations = st_read(rpath, "observations")
predictionLocations = st_read(rpath,"predictionLocations")

# Setting some parameters; nclus > 1 will start a cluster with nclus 
# workers for parallel processing
params = list(gDist = TRUE, cloud = FALSE, nclus = 1, rresol = 25)

# Create a column with the specific runoff:
observations$obs = observations$QSUMMER_OB/observations$AREASQKM

# Build an object
rtopObj = createRtopObject(observations, predictionLocations, 
                           params = params, formulaString = "obs~1")

# Fit a variogram (function also creates it)
rtopObj = rtopFitVariogram(rtopObj)

# Conditional simulations for two new locations 
rtopObj10 = rtopSim(rtopObj, nsim = 5)
rtopObj11 = rtopObj

# Unconditional simulation at the observation locations
# (These are moved to the predictionLocations)
rtopObj11$predictionLocations = rtopObj11$observations
rtopObj11$observations = NULL
# Setting varMatUpdate to TRUE, to make sure that covariance
# matrices are recomputed
rtopObj12 = rtopSim(rtopObj11, nsim = 10, beta = 0.01, 
                    varMatUpdate = TRUE)


create variogram for data with spatial support


rtopVariogram will create binned variogram or cloud variogram of data with an areal support.


## S3 method for class 'rtop'
rtopVariogram(object, params = list(), ...) 
## S3 method for class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame'
rtopVariogram(object, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'SpatialPointsDataFrame'
rtopVariogram(object, formulaString, params=list(), cloud, 
                       abins, dbins, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'STSDF'
rtopVariogram(object, formulaString, params=list(), cloud, 
                       abins, dbins, data.table = FALSE, ...)



object of class rtop (see rtop-package) or a
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame or SpatialPointsDataFrame with information about observations. If
object is a
SpatialPointsDataFrame, it must have a column with name area.


formula that defines the dependent variable as a linear model of independent variables; suppose the dependent variable has name z, for ordinary and simple kriging use the formula z~1; for universal kriging, suppose z is linearly dependent on x and y, use the formula z~x+y. The formulaString defaults to "value~1" if value is a part of the data set. If not, the first column of the data set is used.


a set of parameters, used to modify the default parameters for the rtop package, set in getRtopParams.


logical; if TRUE, calculate the semivariogram cloud, can be used to overrule the cloud parameter in params.


possibility to set areal bins (not yet implemented)


possibility to set distance bins (not yet implemented)


an option to use data.table internally for the variogram computation for STSDF-objects


parameters to other functions called, e.g. gstat's variogram-function and to rtopVariogram.SpatialPointsDataFrame when the method is called with an object of a different class


The function creates a variogram, either of type rtopVariogram or rtopVariogramCloud. This variogram is based on the variogram function from gstat, but has additional information about the spatial size or length of the observations. An rtop-object with the variogram added is returned if the function is called with an rtop-object as argument.

For spatio-temporal objects (STSDF), the variogram is the spatially variogram, averaged for all time steps. There is a possibility to use data.table internally in this function, which can improve computation time for some cases.


The variogram cloud is similar to the variogram cloud from gstat, with the area/length added to the resulting data.frame. The binned variogram is also based on the area or length, in addition to the distance between observations. The bins equally distanced in the log10-space of the distances and areas (lengths). The size of the bins is decided from the parameters amul and dmul, defining the number of bins per order of magnitude (1:10, 10:100, and so on).

The distances between areas are in this function based on the centre of gravity.


Jon Olav Skoien


Skoien J. O., R. Merz, and G. Bloschl. Top-kriging - geostatistics on stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10:277-287, 2006.

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.


## Not run: 
rpath = system.file("extdata",package="rtop")
observations = st_read(rpath,"observations")
# Create a column with the specific runoff:
observations$obs = observations$QSUMMER_OB/observations$AREASQKM

vario = rtopVariogram(observations, cloud = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

Optimisation with the Shuffle Complex Evolution method


Calibration function which searches a parameter set which is minimizing the value of an objective function


sceua(OFUN, pars, lower, upper, maxn = 10000, kstop = 5, pcento = 0.01,
    ngs = 5, npg = 2 * length(pars) + 1, nps = length(pars) + 1, 
    nspl = 2 * length(pars) + 1, mings = ngs, iniflg = 1, iprint = 0, iround = 3, 
    peps = 0.0001, plog = rep(FALSE,length(pars)), implicit = NULL, timeout = NULL, ...)



A function to be minimized, with first argument the vector of parameters over which minimization is to take place. It should return a scalar result as an indicator of the error for a certain parameter set


a vector with the initial guess the parameters


the lower boundary for the parameters


the upper boundary for the parameters


the maximum number of function evaluations


number of shuffling loops in which the criterion value must change by the given percentage before optimization is terminated


percentage by which the criterion value must change in given number (kstop) of shuffling loops to continue optimization


number of complexes in the initial population


number of points in each complex


number of points in a sub-complex


number of evolution steps allowed for each complex before complex shuffling


minimum number of complexes required, if the number of complexes is allowed to reduce as the optimization proceeds


flag on whether to include the initial point in population. iniflg = 0, not included. iniflg= 1, included


flag for controlling print-out after each shuffling loop. iprint < 0: no output. iprint = 1: print information on the best point of the population. iprint > 0: print information on every point of the population


number of significant digits in print-out


convergence level for parameter set (lower number means smaller difference between parameters of the population required for stop)


whether optimization should be done in log10-domain. Either a single TRUE value for all parameters, or a vector with TRUE/FALSE for the different parameters


function for implicit boundaries for the parameters (e.g. sum(pars[4]+pars[5]) < 1). See below for details


if different from NULL: maximum time in seconds for execution before the optimization returns with the parameters so far.


arguments for the objective function, must be named


sceua is an R-implementation of the Shuffle Complex Evolution - University of Arizona (Duan et al., 1992), a global optimization method which "combines the strengths of the simplex procedure of Nelder and Mead (1965) with the concepts of controlled random search (Price, 1987), competetive evolusion (Holland, 1975)" with the concept of complex shuffling, developed by Duan et al. (1992).

This implementation follows the Fortran implementation relatively close, but adds the possibility of searching in log-space for one or more of the parameters, and it uses the capability of R to pass functions as arguments, making it possible to pass implicit conditions to the parameter selection.

The objective function OFUN is a function which should give an error value for each parameter set. It should never return non-numeric values such as NA, NULL, or Inf. If some parameter combinations can give such values, the return value should rather be a large number.

The function works with fixed upper and lower boundaries for the parameters. If the possible range of a parameter might span several orders of magnitude, it might be better to search in log-space for the optimal parameter, to reduce the risk of being trapped in local optima. This can be set with the argument plog, which is either a single value (FALSE/TRUE) or a vector for all parameters. plog = c(TRUE, FALSE, FALSE, TRUE, TRUE) means that the search for parameters 1,4 and 5 should be in log10-space, whereas the search for parameters 2 and 3 are in normal space.

Implicit boundaries can be evoked by passing a function implicit to sceua. This function should give 0 when parameters are acceptable and 1 if not. If, for example, the condition is that the following sum of parameters four and five should be limited:

sum(pars[4]+pars[5]) <= 1

then the function will be implicit = function(pars) (2*pars[4] + pars[5]) > 1


The function returns a list with the following elements


- a vector of the best parameters combination


- the value of the objective function for this parameter set


- a list of two values


- the function convergence relative to pcento


- the parameter convergence relative to peps


- the number of function evaluations


- the number of shuffling loops


- logical; TRUE if the optimization was aborted because the timeout time was reached, FALSE otherwise

There are also two elements returned as attributes:


- the entire set of parameters from the last evolution step


- the values of the objective function from the last evolution step

The last two can be accessed as attr(sceuares, "parset") and attr(sceuares, "xf"), if the result is stored as sceuares.


Jon Olav Skoien


Duan, Q., Sorooshian, S., and Gupta, V.K., 1992. Effective and efficient global optimization for conceptual rainfall-runoff models. Water Resour. Res. 28 (4), 1015?1031.

Holland, H.H., 1975. Adaptation in natural and artificial systems, University of Michigan Press, Ann Arbor.

Nelder, J.A. and Mead, R., 1965. A simplex method for function minimization, Comput. J., 7(4), 308-313.

Price, W.L., 1987. Global optimization algorithms for a CAD workstation, J. Optim. Theory Appl., 55(1), 133-146.

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.


# generate example data from a function with three parameters
# with some random noise
fun = function(x, pars) pars[2]*sin(x*pars[1])+pars[3]
x = rnorm(50, sd = 3)
y = fun(x, pars = c(5, 2, 3)) +  rnorm(length(x), sd = 0.3)
# Objective function, summing up squared differences
OFUN = function(pars, x, yobs) {
  yvals = fun(x, pars)  

sceuares = sceua(OFUN, pars = c(0.1,0.1,0.1), lower = c(-10,0,-10), 
                 upper = c(10,10,10), x = x, yobs = y)
xx = seq(min(x), max(x), 0.1)
lines(xx, fun(xx, pars = sceuares$par))

Integrates the rtop package with the intamap package


This function makes it possible to use rtop-objects in the functions of the package. It is necessary to load the intamap-package before calling this function.




The function will have as side effect that the intamap package is loaded, and that rtop-methods are registered for the intamap-functions estimateParameters, spatialPredict and methodParameters.


Jon Olav Skoien


Pebesma, E., Cornford, D., Dubois, G., Heuvelink, G.B.M., Hristopulos, D., Pilz, J., Stohlker, U., Morin, G., Skoien, J.O. INTAMAP: The design and implementation f an interoperable automated interpolation Web Service. Computers and Geosciences 37 (3), 2011.

Skoien J. O., R. Merz, and G. Bloschl. Top-kriging - geostatistics on stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10:277-287, 2006.

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.



create or update variogram model


This gives an easier interface to the parameters of the variogram model


rtopVariogramModel(model = "Ex1", sill = NULL, range = NULL, 
    exp = NULL, nugget = NULL, exp0 = NULL,
    observations = NULL, formulaString = obs~1) 
## S3 method for class 'rtop'
updateRtopVariogram(object, ...)
## S3 method for class 'rtopVariogramModel'
updateRtopVariogram(object, action = "mult", ..., 
              checkVario = FALSE, 
sampleVariogram = NULL, observations = NULL)



variogram model, currently "Ex1" is the only implemented, see Skoien et al (2006)


sill of variogram


range of variogram


the exponent of the fractal part of the variogram, see Skoien et al (2006)


gives the angle of the first part of the variogram in a log-log plot (weibull type), should be between 0 and 2. See Skoien et al (2006)


nugget of point variogram


formula that defines the dependent variable as a linear model of independent variables, see e.g. createRtopObject for more details.


either: object of class rtop (see rtop-package), or an rtopVariogramModel.


character variable defining whether the new parameters should be add(-ed), mult(-iplied) or replace the former parameters. Leaving the parameters equal to NULL will cause no change.


logical, will issue a call tocheckVario if TRUE


a sample variogram of the data


a set of observations


parameters to lower level functions


The function helps creating and updating the parameters of the variogram, by using common names and simple update methods. This is mainly for manual fitting of the variogram. The automatic call to checkVario makes it easier to visualize the effect of the changes to the variogram


Jon Olav Skoien

See Also



## Not run: 
rpath = system.file("extdata",package="rtop")
observations = st_read(rpath,"observations")
# Create a column with the specific runoff:
observations$obs = observations$QSUMMER_OB/observations$AREASQKM
predictionLocations = st_read(rpath,"predictionLocations")
rtopObj = createRtopObject(observations,predictionLocations)
 # Fit a variogram (function also creates it)
rtopObj = rtopFitVariogram(rtopObj)
rtopObj = updateRtopVariogram(rtopObj, exp = 1.5, action = "mult", 
              checkVario = TRUE)

## End(Not run)

create a semivariogram matrix between a set of locations, or semivariogram matrices between and within two sets of locations


varMat will create a semivariogram matrix between all the supports in a set of locations (observations or prediction locations) or semivariogram matrices between all the supports in one or two sets of locations, and also between them.


## S3 method for class 'rtop'
varMat(object, varMatUpdate = FALSE, fullPred = FALSE, params = list(), ...) 
## S3 method for class 'SpatialPolygonsDataFrame'
varMat(object, object2 = NULL,...) 
## S3 method for class 'SpatialPolygons'
varMat(object, object2 = NULL, variogramModel,
     overlapObs, overlapPredObs, ...) 
## S3 method for class 'list'
varMat(object, object2 = NULL, coor1, coor2, maxdist = Inf, 
              variogramModel, diag = FALSE, sub1, sub2, 
              debug.level = ifelse(interactive(), 1, 0), ...)



either: 1) an object of class rtop (see rtop-package) or 2) a
SpatialPolygonsDataFrame, or SpatialPolygons, or 3) a
matrix with geostatistical distances (see gDist or 4) a list with discretized supports


logical; if TRUE, also existing variance matrices will be recomputed, if FALSE, only missing variance matrices will be computed


logical; whether to create the full covariance matrix also for the predictions, mainly used for simulations


a set of parameters, used to modify the default parameters for the rtop package, set in getRtopParams.


if object is not an object of class rtop; an object of the same class as object with a possible second set of locations with support


variogramModel to be used in calculation of the semivariogram matrix (matrices)


typical parameters to modify from the default parameters of the rtop-package (or modifications of the previously set parameters for the rtop-object), see also getRtopParams. These can also be passed in a list named params, as for the rtop-method. Typical parameters to modify for this function:

rresol = 100

miminum number of discretization points, in call to rtopDisc if necessary

rstype = "rtop"

sampling type from areas, in call to rtopDisc if necessary

gDistPred = FALSE

use geostatistical distance for semivariogram matrices


parameter to set jointly gDistEst = gDistPred = gDist


matrix with observations that overlap each other


matrix with observations and predictionLocations that overlap each other


coordinates of centroids of object


coordinates of centre-of-gravity of object2


maximum distance between areas for inclusion in semivariogrma matrix


logical; if TRUE only the semivariogram values along the diagonal will be calculated, typical for semivariogram matrix of prediction locations


semivariogram array for subtraction of inner variances of areas


semivariogram array for subtraction of inner variances of areas


debug.level >= 1 will give output for every element


The lower level versions of the function calculates a semivariogram matrix between locations in object or between the locations in object and the locations in object2. The method for object of type rtop calculates semivariogram matrices between observation locations, between prediction locations, and between observation locations and prediction locations, and adds these to object.


The argument varMatUpdate is typically used to avoid repeated computations of the same variance matrices. Default is FALSE, which will avoid recomputation of the variance matrix for the observations if the procedure is cross-validation before interpolation. Should be set to TRUE if the variogram Model has been changed, or if observation and/or prediction locations have been changed.

If an rtop-object contains observations and/or predictionLocations of type STSDF, the covariance matrix is computed based on the spatial properties of the object.


Jon Olav Skoien


Skoien J. O., R. Merz, and G. Bloschl. Top-kriging - geostatistics on stream networks. Hydrology and Earth System Sciences, 10:277-287, 2006.

Skoien, J. O., Bloschl, G., Laaha, G., Pebesma, E., Parajka, J., Viglione, A., 2014. Rtop: An R package for interpolation of data with a variable spatial support, with an example from river networks. Computers & Geosciences, 67.

See Also



## Not run: 
rpath = system.file("extdata",package="rtop")
observations = st_read(rpath,"observations")
vmod = list(model = "Ex1", params = c(0.00001,0.007,350000,0.9,1000))
vm = varMat(observations, variogramModel = vmod)

## End(Not run)